Tiger Leaping Review welcomes all writers and hopes to promote emerging and underrepresented voices.
Because of this, submission is free! However, we are currently unable to be a paying market.
There will be three reading periods per year.
The submission periods will be January 1st-March 31st, May 1st-July 31st, and September 1st-December 1st. Issues will be published on April 30th, August 31st, and December 31st.
We know that waiting for a response can be terrifying, so we'll try to get back to you within one to two weeks of the submission period closing. Submissions are not accepted on a rolling basis, so if you are still waiting for a reply by then, feel free to inquire.
Editors will provide feedback upon request.
Please let us know in your cover letter if you want feedback on your work. Keep in mind that we provide feedback after going through submissions as the feedback process is time-consuming, so you may not have received feedback at the end of the reading period.
We accept poetry and fiction prose. Each submission can contain up to five poems or two short stories/flash fiction; the maximum page length is ten, and the word limit for fiction prose is 2000.
We will only accept one submission per genre per person for each reading period. We will only read the most recent if you send more than one. Additionally, if you put more than the allotted number of pieces or pages, we will only consider the ones that fill up to the maximum.
Please use a readable font such as Times New Roman or EB Garamond and single or 1.15 spacing. Submit all writing, a short third-person bio, and an optional cover letter in a single Word/Google document (.docx) or PDF emailed to tigerleapingreview@gmail.com.
Your email's subject line should be [GENRE] SUBMISSION. If it is not written this way, we will not be able to look at your piece(s).
Please only submit original, authentic work. We do not accept work generated by AI. We welcome work dealing with challenging subjects but ask you to include trigger warnings. We will not tolerate any hateful writing. If your writing contains hateful or offensive themes, we reserve the right to not respond and to block you.
We will accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately if your work gets accepted elsewhere through our "Contact" tab. Congratulations in advance! We also accept previously published work, but please include where it was published somewhere in the piece. Unpublished work is preferred.
Tiger Leaping Review reserves your piece's first electronic serial rights upon publication.
After publication, all rights revert to the author. If your work gets published later, please acknowledge Tiger Leaping Review as the first place of publication. We may nominate you for the Pushcart Prize and Best of Net, so be sure to send your best work!
If your work is accepted for an issue, please wait at least two reading periods before submitting it again. We appreciate your shared enthusiasm for poetry and want to give everyone a fair opportunity.
If we notify you that your work is not accepted via email, you may submit the same or different works during the next reading period.
If you have any questions, please inquire through tigerleapinginfo@gmail.com or submit a message through our "Contact" tab.
Tiger Leaping Review
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